Wells Boxing Club
Milton Priory House, Gate Lane, Wells, Somerset BA5 1UA

Wellcome to Wells Boxing ! We are an amateur club affiliated to ABA Insurance cover is provided by the ABA .We follow a child protection policy as laid down by the ABA, with coaches Graham kelly ,Andy Lovell  Clive Gadd,and helpers being DBS checked.All coaches have completed the ABA first aid course. The club is open to all ages and abilty,from our competing boxers to those who wish to follow a non contact recreational boxing fitness regime. We wellcome everybody with a "smile", into the freindly atmosphere of "the gym". The club is open on Monday,Wednesday,Friday from 6:30 to 7:15. For juniors ( not juniors Fridays) 6:30-8 Fridays for seniors Admission is £2 jnr £3 snr per evening(there is no membership charge). The gym is situated at; Milton Priory House, Gate Lane,Wells BA5 1UA